Welcome to Whetsone Services LLC

Whetstone Services provides Fire Investigation to the Insurance Industry, and Consultation to the Amusement Industry.  Educational programs are also offered in both Fire Science / Investigation and Amusement Inspection and Safety.  Whetstone Services is owned and operated by Roger Baxter.  Roger was employed by the Connecticut Department of Public Safety for twenty five years and spent almost twenty of those years with the Office of State Fire Marshal where he conducted Fire Investigations, Amusement Safety Inspections, numerous instructional programs for fire investigators throughout Connecticut.   Roger is a Certified Fire Investigator through the IAAI (International Association of Arson Investigators) and a Certified Fire and Explosion Investigator through NAFI (National Association of Fire Investigators).  Roger also holds a Level III certification with a Training Endorsement through N.A.A.R.S.O. (National Association of Amusement Ride Safety Officials).  After retiring from the Office of State Fire Marshal, Roger decided to continue in Fire Investigation, Amusement Consultation, and teaching in both areas and established Whetstone Services.

Our Services include:        Fire Investigations for the Insurance Industry

                                           Instructional programs for Fire Investigators and for the Fire Service.

                                                 Programs range from basic fire investigation to advanced aspects of fire investigation

                                           Safety Consulting Services to the Amusement Industry

                                           Instructional programs in Amusement Ride Inspection and Safety

Please Contact us at:  Tel.  860-234-8860                 Mail:  Whetstone Services LLC                       E-Mail:     roger.baxter@whetstoneservices.com

                                                                                               PO. Box 273

                                                                                               Dayville, CT  06241